Karen Mendell

FFSS Certified Coach Seal


My name is Karen Mendell and I have a passion for healthy and holistic living.  I am a Chek Level 1 Certified Healthy Holistic Lifestyle coach, Self-Sabotage coach and Master Herbalist.  My journey started 5 years ago with the birth of my son.  That lead me to start looking into the way I was living, the food I was consuming and the chemicals that were surrounding me daily, as well as other negative habits that were affecting my life.  In my early 20’s I did a lot of self-sabotaging including drugs and alcohol and was very unkind to my body. This left me being sick all the time with a very poor immune system.  I was able to overcome this, but it wasn’t until I had my son that I started to really dig deep.  I started making positive lifestyle changes and started researching and learning a variety of health and wellness topics to grow and expand my knowledge.  I started taking charge of my health; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I am still on my journey, but now my goal is to share what I have learned along the way to help others to grow, heal and get healthy.   

The path I am on is to live my best life and it has come from years of self-improvement.  I have had to overcome many of my own self sabotage habits which has given me the tools I need to help others. By overcoming my own challenges, I can effectively coach others and help them take the steps in their own healing. 

email: karen_o_o@hotmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.oosterlinck