Lucy Clowes

FFSS Certified Coach Seal


Hi, my name is Lucy and my coaching brand is ‘Break Free with Lucy’.

It is an absolute pleasure to be here and to be able to offer my guidance and knowledge to you.

It has been a journey with many twists and turns to get to this point in time where I can sit here and proudly call myself a Freedom From Self Sabotage Coach.

Back in 2019 my husband and I were firmly living within the constraints of modern society. We ran a successful pub/restaurant, both our daughters were at school and we were flat out everyday, chasing the clock and never having enough time or energy to fully thrive. 

Like many, the events in 2020 made us really consider our values and what was important to us, individually, as a couple and as role models to our children. We decided to bite the bullet and made some totally radical changes to our lives, including taking the girls out of school, moving house and closing down our business to free ourselves up to travel and live rather than survive.

During this time I became really curious at how others were doing the ‘inner work.’ I had reached a point in my life where I was no longer excited to start a new day, I was burnt out, down on myself and found myself in a real lack mentality.

I decided to invest in myself and worked with several coaches but nothing made a huge impact until I thankfully found Jason Christoff and began his FFSS course. All of a sudden, I understood why I kept repeating the same loops and patterns and I could finally made sense of myself and my behavior. I understood why no matter how much I journaled or how many times I set intentions, my old sabotaging patterns would return and I would end up dropping back down emotionally and could never seem to get past a certain level in my life. 

As a certified FFSS Coach, I’m unrecognizable to myself, my husband, friends and family. I am empowered, I know my worth and I feel free to achieve my goals and desires. I am happy, I am confident and I am loving myself and life again. 

Am I work in progress? Absolutely!  But I now have the tools and knowledge I need to get through those tricky moments we all experience without dropping backdown to ground zero again, something that is fundamental to the momentum of my personal and professional growth. 

Empowering yourself is a journey of knowledge and self discovery and I would love to guide and facilitate you on your journey to freedom. 

If you would like to Break Free from your sabotaging patterns then please get in touch. I am ready to go and it would be my pleasure to work with you. 



Facebook: @breakfreewithlucy 

Instagram: @breakfreewithlucy