Need answers? Our coaches here to help!
What’s included in the coaching process? How long does the coaching take? Will I be able to take the action steps necessary to overcome my self-sabotage? Is this coaching good for weight loss? What about addiction? What about marital issues? What about trying to make more money? How much does the coaching cost? Can this coaching add happiness to my life? These are all questions that many people want to be answered before they commit to enrolling as a client with a Christtoff Certified Self Sabotage Coach.
This is why each coach offers short paid consultation. If the client wants to move ahead after all their questions are answered, the small amount charged for the short consultation is credited toward the coaching fee. In the end, it’s always good to meet your coach and connect with them regardless.
CCSS Coaches offer a very unique coaching opportunity to heal and remove any fear associated with rising up into your best self. Self-sabotage coaching focuses on helping each client remember who they really are and how they can become more comfortable within their true adult power.
Simply contact your coach to set up your initial consultation.