Catherine Story

FFSS Certified Coach Seal


Greetings, my name is Catherine Story.  I am a Critical Care Nurse turned health and truth warrior.  I believe in the power of real organic food, sunshine, and genuine connection.  I believe we are far more powerful than we are led to believe.   When we connect our energy to the truth anything is possible.

I have extensive experience in healing the mind, body and spirit.  It is important to detox the body of toxins.  It is imperative to detox our minds of unnecessary thoughts.  Finally, it is necessary to rid the soul of embedded lies we once believed.  I am here to help walk you through these processes of leveling up and becoming the person you are meant to be.

I am also a Mom to two handsome, healthy boys who love me back almost as much as they love to play baseball.

I live in Southern California and enjoy exploring its beauty every chance I get. 

The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.
  ~Edith Sodergran
