My name is Corrie, I am The Unregistered Nurse.
I was an acute care float hospital nurse for 14 years. My career came to an abrupt end due to my medical choice in 2021. This was the most painful period of my life. I was forced to make a decision that would change the trajectory of my life and my children’s lives.
Ive been a mom since I was 16 years old, Taylor now 29. Taking the tough road is how I lived the entirety of my life. I had my son at age 30, again raising a child on my own. I tried desperately to be ’normal’ hockey mom, nurse with a nice home. I slaved away working as much as I could, but could never make enough money to get ahead. I was stuck in the matrix. In debt, stressed, full of inflammation. I thought I was happy, but my soul was dying inside.
October 2021, the universe presented me with an opportunity to escape the matrix, all I had to do was trust and take the biggest leap of faith. I left a my nursing career, I sold my forever home. My son & I left Canada, moving to Nicaragua. Having never travelled anywhere before, it was scary but I could I literally feel angels guiding us. I left everything I knew to be normal, for a life of the unknown. All I knew was that I was free! Free from debt and the rat race. And for once I felt Peace.
As I write this biography it’s almost 2024. I own a beautiful home in Nicaragua near the ocean, I am debt free, matrix retiree at age 43. I have just completed the Freedom from Self Sabotage Coaching Course. While enrolled in the course, I realized I had so much more work to do on myself before I was ready to help others. I have spent the last 7 months working intensely on myself physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually so that I can help others level up. Learning how much we are all programmed has given me so much hope! It gives me hope that my mission of changing the world is actually possible!
As The Unregistered Nurse & Christoff Certified Self Sabotage Coach, my journey hasn’t end here, I still have so many levels to reach, but now it’s time for me to guide YOU, to help YOU find your TRUE POWER!
Corrie Bignell
The Unregistered Nurse
IG @corriebignell
FB @corriebignell