Debbie McDaniel

FFSS Certified Coach Seal


I began my professional life as a social worker, a counselor to grieving, stressed, hurting families. While every family faced unique obstacles, they all had one thing in common; they seemed to be stuck in a rut. Like a car stuck in mud, their tires would spin and gain traction only to have their positive progress impeded and snatched away to end up right back in the mud. Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in the mud? Spinning your wheels without any traction? Possibly making even more of a mess?  Wanting to give up?  

I was once stuck in the mud. Despite my loving friends and family, my tires had not only stopped moving but were being sucked down. In the process, I pushed away who and what was important to me, and then I sunk further away from happiness while suffocating in negativity. I was a self-saboteur. Luckily, my tow truck came and pulled me out of the mud. I still had a mess (my life and relationships) to clean up, however, I invested my time and energy into learning why I allowed myself to get stuck, live in the shadows, and stunt my personal growth. Only then was I able to reverse my mindset and live a life of abundance.

Do you need a tow? I am ready to help! As a Self-Sabotage Coach, I will guide you out of your mud so that you are able to discover the tools that lead to a life full of freedom and success in health, wealth, relationships, confidence, and self-love.  My hope is that by sharing my passions and talents with you that you’ll be able to free yourself from self-sabotage because everyone deserves happiness. YOU deserve happiness. YOU are worthy.

With a little courage, you can take the first step and call for help. Let me be your tow truck; I look forward to pulling you out, cleaning you up, and building you up!

You may contact me here: