Marilyn Muir

FFSS Certified Coach Seal


Hello, my name is Marilyn Muir. I am the “New Earth Nurse”, Self-Sabotage and Health Coach. For about 35 years of my life, I worked as a register nurse. I remain a nurse in spirit, but I resigned from the College of Nurses of Ontario, so I am no longer a registered nurse. For most of my career I worked in the community. A nurse therapist working in mental health and geriatrics. After leaving my job in the community I worked in a very busy emergency department as their GEM nurse, (geriatric emergency management nurse). I left that position in 2018. That same year I started training as a therapeutic dance instructor, I then successfully ran dance groups for those with dementia, developmental disabilities, neurological disabilities such as Parkinson disease and strokes. Then the Covid trigger was pulled, and all that world fell away. I found Jason Christoff ’s work, and it resonated with me. Programs stored in our sub-conscious, placed there without our awareness were creating behaviors that lead to suffering, disease and self-destruction. These downloaded program in the subconscious create and sustain the self-sabotage patterns in our lives. So, I worked with Jason and got my Self Sabotage Coaching Certificate.

Most of my life, I am now 65 years old, people have told me their life stories. Not only in my professional life but also in my personal life. I feel so very honored to carry these stories within my consciousness. I have learned many things from these stories. But I have learned much from my own story. The motherless child put up for adoption at birth. The little girl who was sexually and physically abuse as a child. I started drinking, smoking cigarettes, and weed when I was around 10 or 11. Sex, drugs and alcohol, you name it I did it. I was the battered women who ran with her two children in the middle of the night. I was the women that turned her life around when she was in her early 30’s looking for answers and healing from the trauma that was my life. I started exercising and lifting weights, at that time I was 325 lbs. I continue to lift weights to this day, three times a week, it has been for over 33 years. I was the mother that watched her 34-year-old son die from an accidental Fentanyl overdose on New Years Eve 2016. I was the women who stood firm in her conviction and truths during the psychological operation that wanted me to put poison under my skin. I am the women that sold everything to clear all my debt, living off grid alone in Northern Ontario for 10 months and then moving to Panama S.A. My daughter, SIL and grandbaby still live in Ontario Canada.

When my son died, I shared my story with a social worker all she could say was “By rights people like you don’t become successful”. Hard times sharpens the blade.

So, as you see I have been there, done that. I vowed a long time ago that I would use the knowledge that I gained from my own personal experiences to help others in their journey to becoming their best selves. I have always been committed to lifelong learning and growth. It is we that heal self we are the healer. Traditional “sickness care” mask symptoms with poison, it is an industry that never looks for the root causes of diseases and human suffering, only profit never true healing. As the New Earth Nurse I want to empower people and show them how to be the best version of themselves. Just as you have been programmed without your awareness to engage in self-destructive behaviors. I can teach you how to bring the unconscious into conscious awareness and give you tools to reprogram yourself out of self-destructive self- sabotaging behaviors.

Panama is in EST time zone. My website is current being designed and should be up and running very soon. Services are offered in English only.

You can currently contact me at