Sherie Holland

FFSS Certified Coach Seal


Sherie Holland is a Board Certified Health Coach with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, A4M Lifestyle Health Coach and Metabolic Effect Nutrition Consultant.  Sherie’s own experience with chronic health illnesses lead her to discover the important role nutrition and lifestyle play in one’s recovery.  Making the necessary changes in her own nutritional life, she healed from her previous ailments and went on to further her quest for health knowledge at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).  After gaining her certification, Sherie has made it her mission to help, support and educate those also searching for holistic answers to regain health and vitality.  Serving in Oxford since 2010, she has helped clients with their personal health journey one-on-one, in group settings as well as long-distance coaching. 




Instagram: @recontrolhealth